{ Hello World }

Hello, I am Sushant

CS Undergrad | Aspiring Software Developer

I am a student developer pursuing Computer Engineering at the Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune. I love solving exciting engineering problems which can produce impact at a scale.

I'm currently exploring full stack software development with keen interest in building scalable web applications.

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I am an undergraduate student at Sinhgad College of Engineering, Pune . I'm a problem solver and a student developer. The people around me consider me a team player with a can-do attitude, phenominal time management skills, and someone with strong userfocus. I have developed several web based projects, details of which are listed above. I love to explore latest technologies, design cool things and spend my time working on interesting projects.

I'm a highly ambitious student who aims to achieve professionalism in various technologies & add value through hard work. I am passionate about creating web applications and designing experiences. I'm an aspiring learner, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technolgy adavancements in the web development world. I strive for excellence in each task I do while learning as much as possible during the process. What motivates me is the belief that Computer Science has great power to make positive impacts in people’s lives. I'm not a party animal so I like to spend my weekends indoor, solving coding problems or watching YT videos.

When I'm not working on college courses or projects, I like to explore Quora, compose oneliners. I also love exploring new places and talking to different people, discussing ideas and listening to music.